Sunita wife of Indian Army officer RD Mehta, who died on Monday, 07 July bombing of the Indian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, holds an Indian national flag, along with her husband's military cap and belt, as she and other relatives attend his cremation service in New Delhi, Tuesday, July 8, 2008. (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi)
Chief of Army Staff, Gen Deepak Kapoor led senior officials from all three forces in paying tribute to Brig Mehta. He offered his condolences to the family by personally going to Brig Mehta’s wife, father and children.
His son, Flt Lt Udit Mehta, himself an Air Force pilot said: "I was, am and will always be proud of my father. He was my hero and I would like to remember as he lived, not as now."
One of his relatives, who is a serving air-force officer said that "he was what every officer should be like." A retired officer, Maj Gen Popli said that it was a failure on part of the intelligence that this attack could not be anticipated and hence, averted.
Kabul attack: Brig RD Mehta cremated in Delhi Kabul Sucide AttackSuicide attacks are not always motivated by a jihad, but they are also not always nationalistic. Suicide attacks in India cannot be lumped together with those in Algeria, Afganistan,Palestine and those in London. These attacks are part politico-military tactic, part complex internationalised religious ideology, and part local grievance. All of these factors converge with varying levels of importance every time a suicide attack occurs. Only the Intelligence agencies can crack the international and homegrown menace.
Need for Explosives Detection:
Identify, prioritize, and execute research and development projects that satisfy inter- agency requirements for existing and emerging technology in explosives detection and diagnostics. Emphasis should be placed on a long term, sustained approach leading to new and enhanced technology for detection and identification of improvised explosive devices, including vehicle- borne devices.
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