IESM Movement Against Injustices to Defence Services: Hunger Strike throughout India with effect from 16 Dec 2008.
Dear Members of the Press,
1. In spite of our best efforts the Govt has not shown any concern towards the genuine and legitimate demands of Defence Services personnel– both serving and retired. The pensionary benefits accruing to the Ex Servicemen due to 6th CPC have not yet been notified/ granted while all other central Government pensioners have received their arrears. This is causing undue and unwarranted hardship to Ex Servicemen in these times of galloping inflation. None of the demands of ESM including One Rank One Pension has been accepted so far.
2. Not only the Government has not addressed the four core demands which the Chiefs had put forward, but seven more serious anomalies have been added. The whole case of 6th CPC in respect of Defence Services appears to have been handled with prejudice against the Defence Personnel. If the 6th CPC award in respect of Defence Personnel is implemented in the existing form, it will create serious crisis in the Defence Forces including ESM with serious repercussions. Why the Govt is not serious in accepting the genuine demands of the Defence Forces, is not understood?
3. The concern and apprehensions about the involvement of the Defence Personnel in such a dastardly act of bomb blast is understandable. The news is not only sensational but a cause for deep concern, as the image of Armed Forces as a whole as the last bastion of our Secular Democracy is being questioned. However, we wish to inform the people of our country that this incident if proved, may at best be an aberration than a deep rooted conspiracy as alleged by the Union Minister of State. Let it be known that Defence Forces have foolproof system of checks and balances to ensure such incidents do not take place. Enforcement of a very strict regime of discipline is the cardinal principle of ensuring effectiveness of our functioning. To illustrate this, an example of North East is quoted here. During 1997-1998, 2800 cases of rape, crime against women by civilian population including Civil Govt personnel were reported as against 14 cases by the Military Personnel. These 14 cases were promptly investigated and dealt with as per the Military law, 6 cases were found to be false and in the remaining cases, all the 8 accused personnel were dismissed from service and awarded rigorous imprisonment ranging from 2 years to 7 years within three months of the cases being reported. However, in the case of civilian accused persons not even one case progressed in the court during the above two years. Similarly all such cases are dealt with utmost urgency by the Military. We wish to appeal to the politicians not to politicize this incident to score some brownie points against their political opponents. We can assure the people of India that Army would never shelter the culprits if they are guilty as is already evident from the fact that they are fully cooperating with the Investigating Agency. We request the Govt and politicians not to mix up this incident with the demands of Defence Personnel. The Govt must not delay in sanctioning the demands of both serving and ESM. One Rank One Pension must be sanctioned at the earliest. The Indian Ex Servicemen Movement (IESM) has decided to launch Hunger Strike throughout India with effect from 16 Dec 2008 if OROP is not granted by that day. In the intervening period protests will be planned to be executed by each State, District and city conveners of IESM Movement and veteran organisations across country. The protests will be carried out in a dignified manner within the Democratic norms and discipline.
5. At present there is a deep sense of resentment in the Defence Forces due to adverse service conditions and loss of prestige, compounded by indifferent attitude of the Govt and perverse recommendations of the 6th CPC. We implore upon the Government not to ignore the grievances of the Armed Forces and request them to take immediate remedial measures.
Jai Hind
With Kind Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM
Vice Chairman Indian ESM Movement (IESM)
To lead their retired life in peace with Honour, Dignity & Izzat- the hall marks of a Soldier; the MILITARY VETERANS request:
1. "One Rank, One Pension" (OROP) be sanctioned IMMEDIATELY. This is a long pending demand aimed at protecting the interests of older pensioners; and the issue has become very emotive with the Ex- Servicemen. OROP has been the stated policy of all mainstream political parties. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence has been asking the Govt. time & again to implement 'One Rank, One Pension'. Para 99 of the Report of Standing Committee on Defence (2003) clearly states: "The Committee has been recommending grant of `One Rank One Pension' to the armed forces personnel time and again. The Committee observes that successive Governments and Pay Commissions have made improvements in the pension structure keeping in view the cost of living index. This has accentuated the disparity of pension benefits between pensioners of the same rank. The older pensioners who have become infirm in ability and capability and burdened with a larger social obligation receive pension calculated at the rate of pay at the time of their retirement in 1950s or 1960s or 1970s, which is quite paltry and the Dearness Relief quite inconsequential in today's context of inflation and shrinking purchasing value of money. The nation must repay its debt to those defenders of the motherland with gratitude and humility. We should, instead of, looking for precedents in this regard, create precedents for the others to emulate. Any amount paid in this regard would be small token of our gratitude to them. The Committee, therefore, once again reiterates their earlier recommendation for providing `One Rank One Pension' to the armed forces personnel". *[For purposes of 'Pension' the term MILITARY VETERANS includes widows/ parents /next of kin of soldiers who were killed in battle and also those who died in peace time, and in receipt of pension from Defence Dept].
2. Resettlement of Military Veterans by way of:
(a) Legislation of an Act by Parliament, for lateral induction of Service Officers, JCOs & Jawans and their equivalents in the Navy & Air Force, into Central & State Services and PSUs, at appropriate levels, so that MILITARY VETERANS too have just, fair & equal opportunities to upgrade themselves and retire at the age of 60 years, at higher levels & appointments.
(b) Legislation of an Act by Parliament, making it mandatory for all Corporates and Industries related to supply of equipment, materials & stores to the Armed Forces, for employment of MILITARY VETERANS to the extent of 10 % of their work force.
3. Constituting an Ex- Servicemen Commission with necessary statutory powers at the national level to look after all the welfare measures of the Ex- Servicemen community. As is the practice in the case of other similar commissions, the Ex- Servicemen Commission be headed by a retired Chief of the Army/ Navy/ Air Force and should have Military Veterans from the three Defence services, as its members; and also suitable members from Military Veterans fraternity representing War Widows and the War wounded.
4. Representation of the Ex- Servicemen on all committees and other such bodies constituted for the purpose of looking into matters affecting the interests of the Ex- Servicemen.
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