Monday, July 13, 2009

Elusive OROP

Dear Friend,
Asadullah Khan was granted a pension by the Mughal Empire. But the British Resident curtailed its remission. He was told that 'his case had been referred to the Court of the Company bahadur in Calcutta' Khan was forced to undertake a long and arduous journey to Calcutta, during which he fell sick.
He returned to Delhi after six months, with no success. Driven to penury he was imprisoned for gambling and unpaid debts. But what he received in return for all his misery was the inspiration to write words of profound wisdom and lasting value. I quote one which I like.
Ranj se khungar hua insaan to mit jaata hai ranj
Mushkilen mujh par padi itni ki aasaan ho gayin

Ranj: This untranslatable Urdu word is a mix of pain, helplessness and anger
Khungar: means 'getting used to' or 'becoming accustomed'

If OROP eludes the veterans, as it has for the past 25 years, it is possible that we will be compensated by the Lord in some other way. For those who may not know, Asadullah Khan is the given name of Mirza Ghalib.
Best wishes,
Maj Gen Surjit Singh (Retd)

Hello Friends,
1. I have just received a mail giving the recommendations of the Committee Of Secretaries wrt OROP. The mail also claimed that the recommendations have been accepted by the Government.
2. Please note that I have not verified the contents of the Pension Table given as link below. I am also not in a position to answer any queries that you may have. Treat it as a piece of information.
Brigadier PTGangadharan, Guards, Veteran
Revised Pension Tables recommended by Committee of Secretaries

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Today's Quote
Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Nature Quote of the Day
Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.
Alfred Lord Tennyson