Dear Brigadier Kamboj,
Thanks for the information.
I would like to say that the concept of OROP needs a wee bit modification. The Armed Forces do a great harm to the retirees by upgrading their rank structure e.g. a company, which was commanded by a major, is now being commanded by a Lt Col. While the serving officers may feel elated, see the plight of the old majors who, having put in over 26 years of service, are now being given pension equal to that of a platoon commander (Now Majs). In the revised scheme of things, no one remains major on putting in 14 years of service, and save for those who die in service, no one would be retiring as a major (SL commission officers included). My own battalion lost a number of majors in 1965 and 71 wars; why should their widows get the pension due to deceased platoon commanders as today?
I feel that there is a case for modifying the concept of OROP which should include equal pension for equal work; after all this is the principle being applied all over in the civil.
There is also a case for requesting the Three Chiefs not to upgrade the ranks arbitrarily as it hits the pensioners badly; they should have simply got the Majors in PB4 and saved the older lot, a lot of discomfort.
With best Regards,
Col MMP Kala, Retd
Dear Brig Kamboj,
This letter (click me) so painstakingly drafted by the indomitable Gen Bahri is, without doubt, the best paper produced by the veterans so far. It is simple, cogent and in fact compelling. I think the rest of us should simply stick to the logic of this communication, without complicating it with any more figures and tables. Perhaps one single example which reveals the imbalance of the current dispensation is in the following relativity:
"A Col (TS) with 26 years service who may have commanded no more than a company has been granted a pension which is just Rs 100 less than a Brigade Commander who had put in 36 years service."
Legal eagles tell me that we have a weak case, in the court of law. But I think that the present dispensation fouls with "natural justice" and I think we will be able to find a competent lawyer who will be able to take on the might of legal cell of the Govt of India.
We also need to continuously remind the serving generals to keep knocking at the doors of those who have the power to act.
The Pay Cell has all but wound up. Before leaving their office, they sent me some tables which I am attaching, for what they are worth.
(Note: The tables mentioned here require some processing before these can be mass emailed. Will be forwarded to all members soon – Chander Kamboj)
With best wishes,
Maj Gen Surjit Singh, EME, Veteran, Member IESM Steering Committee
Dear All,
Thanks for circulating the JOINT LETTER, which is very well written. Hopefully it should bring results.
I had read in the blog of Maj Navdeep about 'disparity' in compensation given to a CADET and RECRUIT, when they are boarded out- while undergoing training. There would be some more such issues, which though do not form part of OROP yet have a great bearing on those unfortunate ones, who are affected.
Does our community of ESMs like to bring out such cases to the notice of people, who are still in uniform? These issues, once noticed by our friends in UNIFORM, should form part of normal 'CORRECTIVE DRILL'. At least we should be able to set our own house in order.
Warm regards,
Lt Col Inderjit Singh Gill, Veteran
Three indigenous warships join the navy’s fleet
10 hours ago
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