I have been reading appeal by IESM ECHS cell for volunteers for attending to problems at ECHS clinics.
I am presently at Bangalore and my ECHS card was stolen in Rajdhani express during my journey from Hazrat Nizamuddin to Bangalore. As my place of residence at Bangalore is very close to the ECHS clinic and Command hospital, our medical specialist at Gurgaon had recommended that I should consult a specialist while at Bangalore. I did not know whether the clinic will attend to me as I had lost identity card also in the theft. On going to the clinic here, I found a help desk just at the entrance. It is manned on all days by Air Force veterans, officers, warrant ranks and ORs. One Wg Cdr Jaya was there on that day. When I told him about the theft and that I have only my treatment book and photo copiy of my ECHS card. He went out of his way,and made sure I am referred to the specialist by the doctor at the clinic. Later, on another day, I sat down at the help desk for an hour and found that many people came for help which was provided with all humility. Many of them thanked the persons manning the desk when they were leaving the clinic. Officer in charge clinic, Wg Cdr Nair also was seen moving around the patients at regular intervals and people were very happy with him.
I may now request you to take up following problems with ECHS Authorities.
1. We are supposed to carry ECHS cards with us as no treatment is permissible without them. Knowing the law and order situation when a hand bag can be stolen even in a fully reserved train with controlled entry and exit, how does a member get treatment at outstation if he has lost his ECHS card due to theft etc. This is particularly so if in emergency, he/ she has to be be admitted to an empanelled hospital. A way out has to be found.
2. As per present regulations, if the card is lost a second time, the membership is terminated. It is understandable in a country where minor thefts are exceptions. But, in our country, where pickpockets and thefts are common place and, in several cases, with the connivance of police, cancellation of membership should not be done. In any case, the card can not be misused as it has photo of the member on it. This stipulation in the Rules has to be deleted.
With regards,
AVM RP Mishra
Responses and Comments
2010/1/14 Rakesh Prasad Chaturvedi
It is extremely encouraging to learn about the helpful attitude of the Volunteers, who played a very interesting role in the entire episode. It strengthens our belief that EVEN GOD helps those that HELP THEMSELVES. It has been our vision that this model can be replicated in EACH polyclinic............specially those like NOIDA, with preponderance of ESM habitations close to the polyclinic.
The points about the manifestations of a lost card are being separately projected to the ECHS Hq, and hopefully a pragmatic solution should emerge.
The ECHS Div Hq compliments the Bangalore team for the EXCELLENT response.
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Col NR Kurup wrote:
We forget the reason for computerisation of ECHS Card. All that one to remember is his card Number. It should have been reachable from any computer anywhere . The authenticity of the person can easily verifiable with his fingerprints recorded. When ECHS cannot make this functional what can we expect ?
Col NR Kurup (Retd)
From: Rakesh Prasad Chaturvedi
Sent: 15 January 2010 07:50
To: Col NR Kurup
Subject: Re: ECHS Clinic at Bangalore and points to be taken up with ECHS Authorities
On retirement, we not only leave our uniform behind, but also perhaps the 'non computerized culture' in which we grew up and got along fine. Suddenly unleashed, our net savviness motivates us to wonder why the forces are not 'that way'.
Its firstly economics. And second the inability of so many of us in service to appreciate the potential of the net/ chip. So many of us shy away from computers..........and so many of them are in the decision making chain.
That aside, in a country like ours, misuse/ frauds of even small scale, militate against the free- albeit friendly use of just card number being allowed to access the facilities. AND mind you, staffing at ECHS at any level is bone dry...... innovations in cards are outsourced but unless the ECHS itself has an idea WHAT they want the software guy to do, the latter cant do it. AND as I said earlier, THAT imagination is perhaps not there, though a desire to improve is. Things are changing, but this developmental process will take time.
This is in response to your last question. WHAT we can expect. A lot I would say...........provided the ECHS and its users -us- put our shoulder together.
If credit/ debit cards are lost on intimation to the bankers the cards which have a number are made null and void and a new card is issued within 48 hours. Similarly ECHS should cancel the card and issue a new one with a new serial number with all existing details like photo and thumb impression which are available on the data base within 48 hours. Payment for cost of blank Sim card which is about Rs 50/ approx can be recovered from the individual. ECHS which has 227 polyclinics should have a toll free number to enable users to register complaints or seek advice.
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