Shyampur Shakha of Dehradun Ex-Services League, situated beyond Prem Nagar, celebrated its 10th Annual Day on 20th January 2011 with great pomp and show at the premises of Sangam Public School. Brig(Retd) K.G.BEHL, President DESLwas the chief guest on the occasion and Brig P.S.Gurung, vice President State Minority Commission was the Guest of Honour , Smt.Manju , Gram Pradhan Arcadia,was special guest besides Shri D.S.Batola, Principal Sangam School, Lt Cols B.S.Chettri, Lt Col R.K.Arya, and Lt Col B.M.Thapa, Secy. DESL, Lt Col R.P.Jairath, the Treasurer. Vir Naries of the area. were especially invited.
The programme started with the lighting of lamp by the chief guest and others followed by Saraswati Vandana and welcome song by students and ESM ,especially composed by CPO C. B.Gurung.
The President of Shakha H/Capt. B.S.Thapa, welcomed the guests and the audience and reported about all welfare activities carried out during the year. He expressed his gratitude to Brig K G Behl for attending the function as a Chief Guest in spite his ill health.
In his address Brig Behl, President DESL congratulated the members of the shakha on their raising Day and wished them a very happy and prosperous New Year 2011. He was glad that the day was a Sunny Day and a large number of ex-Servicemen have assembled in colourful dresses. He expressed satisfaction that the Shakha is carrying on various activities and taking up cases for the welfare of the Ex Servicemen residing in that area. He said that DESL keeps on publishing relevant orders in their Annual Pamphlet published at the time of AGM, copies of which are supplied to all those who attend besides some copies to Shakha HQ . He expressed his happiness on govt. agreeing to resolve some of the anomalies pointed out earlier but final orders are not yet out specially raising pension at the time of retirement from 50% to about 80%, which has to be maximum, to get One Rank One Pension. We have taken up the case with the PCDA and all others concerned for fixing pension on the basis of Pay as arrived by multiplying what one was drawing before 1.1.2006, as being done for fixing regular officers Pay and not the minimum of the scale as done now. It makes a big difference in pension.
Regarding ‘One Rank One Pension’ for which a large number of ESM have returned their medals and the agitation is going on at Delhi we have expressed our full support and a large number of ESM from Dehradun have become members there also. He pointed out that for OROP two factors are required viz. to retire at the highest of the scale and must have completed 33 years of service to earn full pension. In case of Jawans and Jcos the service has been brought to 30 years by giving different weightage and can be brought to 33 years by the method given by the 5TH CPC, due to raising age in civil to 58 years then which has later been raised to 60 years.
As you all know, during 3rd CPC, all ranks including officers were being retired at the maximum of the scale which can be revived. If the above two factors are fulfilled it automatically becomes OROP. This will be in consonance with the civil where most of the employees retire after completing maximum of the service required to earn full pension and automatically retire at the maximum of the scale they draw at that time due to length of service. Govt. should think on this line. Since in case of JCOs and Ors, they have already brought them nearer to the desired amounts it will not require much of funds to grant OROP to all and the problem can be solved once for all. Brig Behl also explained about the progress being made in the working of ECHS and efforts being made to start shortly two Dispensaries sanctioned at Vikasnagar and Haridwar Road. Keeping the strength of Ex Servicemen at Clement Town, a case for a full fledged dispensary is being mooted. It will lessen the load at ECHS Dehradun.
Regarding CSD he appreciated the efforts and improvements being done by the GOC, Uttarakhand Sub Area and how Vikasnagar problem has been saved. He hoped that soon the facilities will improve. He pointed out that though the state Govt. has issued orders regarding granting same concession on purchase of vehicles through CSD, as by adjoining states but they have put certain limits which are not in order and need to be removed. He had discussed the matter with the State Chief Secretary Shri Subash Kumar and also pointed out to the Hon’ble Chief Minister who agreed to get those right but the fresh orders are yet to come and the system needs to be streamlined . We hope it will be done soon. Regarding other points announced by the CM, for War Memorial and House Tax, the matter is being pursued and data being collected.
He later replied to the queries made by the members regarding various problems being faced and promised to take up the issues with the concerned authorities. He announced the sanction of Rs. 2000/- for the welfare activities. It was followed by a colourful cultural programme which included songs and dances by the youngsters, mostly students of the Sangam School, in Hindi, Gorkhali, Garhwali, Kumaoni and Punjabi which were very much appreciated by the large gathering there.
Brig PS Gurung was honored and so also 95 years old Major Narian Singh Thapa with Shawl and Wall clock. These were compered by Hon Lt Hari Singh Gurung, which was highly appreciated by all. It was organized very well by Capt B.S.Thapa and his team. Lt GB Gurung proposed the vote of thanks. It was followed by delicious lunch.
Lt Col B M Thapa, Veteran
General Secretary
Dehradun Ex-Services League
IESM Member
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