Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reserve Service for Pension: AFT Ruling

Dear Friends,
Please read the email received from AVM RP Mishra appended below. Please also read the attachment. Kindly do your utmost to give wide publicity to the contents of the attachment, as it affects very large number of sepoys, ratings and airmen from all Three Services. The ESM organisations should make copies of the attached ORDER 12.01.2011 of Armed Forces Tribunal, Principal Bench at New Delhi, display it at prominent places under their jurisdiction and distribute copies to reach every possible city and village.
On behalf of YOU ALL, ‘i’ thank AVM RP Mishra for thanking this attachment to us.
Vande Matram
In service of Indian Military Veterans
Chander Kamboj.

From: RP Mishra
Sent: 05 August 2011 17:42
Subject: Counting of Reserve Service for pension
Dear Brig Kamboj, you had earlier published a letter on the subject of counting reserve service for pension. I am now attaching AFT judgement based on which this letter was here for the ruling
AVM RP Mishra (Retd)

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Today's Quote
There is nothing like a dream to create the future.
Victor Hugo

Nature Quote of the Day
The stars don't look bigger, but they do look brighter.
Sally Ride