Tuesday, July 21, 2009

IESM: Good Health Care is more precious than a few extra pension bucks

Date: Monday, 20 July, 2009, 7:57 AM
Dear Brig Kamboj,
Two articles sent by "Report My Signal", highlighted, what has been happening since independence. The law makers can make better laws for themselves. Our elders, in the name of IZZAT, always gave in. But for the brave Serving Admiral, we would not have got, whatever has been given so far.

I have to add
  • Health care means different at different ages. A time comes when money or cars cannot help you. It has to be the system.
  • The men in uniform did not understand what the ECHS would deliver. Why to blame Babu every time? A few individuals saw some post retirement jobs for themselves.
  • The serving officers in Sta HQ and Hospitals feel, the ESMs emit foul smell. You are better off in any MH, if you son or a friend is a Doctor there. It is still better if you are related to a medical service Havildar. This net works equally fast.
  • Please do not think of "Col and below" and "Above Cols". We are in the same boat.

    About two years ago, I had suggested to the IESM Core group, to take up PENSION as well as ECHS matters. Little extra money is less important than good heath care service.
    Maj Gen Satish Chandra(Retd)

    ECHS flip side
    Truly the Station Headquarters is filled with re employed Officers to manage the ECHS affairs. This noble employment concept is at the expense of efficient functioning of ECHS. The health care of ESM in general is likely to get sick.
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    Today's Quote
    Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
    William Butler Yeats

    Nature Quote of the Day
    All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe