Tuesday, July 21, 2009

IESM: RTI Cell- Volunteers

Very Important Announcement and Request for Veterans in NCR
There is an urgent need to create an RTI Cell by IESM. We have a highly experienced leader to head this Cell, Commodore LK Batra, who has wide experience in the field of RTI. Very successfully he is supporting number of NGOs for RTI activities. What we need now is a few volunteer veterans at Noida and New Delhi to help Commodore LK Batra to file very large number of applications under the RTI Act to extract useful information from the Government files, which is required to support our case in the Courts.
We must create this cell without further delay. Please volunteer or suggest suitable names. Please pass on this information to veterans who are not available on email.
The names may kindly forwarded to "Report My Signal".
In the mean time, veterans in other cities are requested to think and advise what are the subjects on which applications under RTI should be filed. As it appears from the expertise available, Naval Foundation is going to be the nucleus for the filing of Court Case (as and when filed), they are also requested to suggest topics for application under RTI Act.
The ideal thing would be that the Naval Foundation, who have a proper office and administrative support, should kindly provide the support to this RTI Cell being created. Needless to say that veterans from All Three Services will assist the functioning of this cell, and will kindly operate under the Naval Foundation.
In Service of Indian Military Veterans,
Chander Kamboj

Immediate Challenges
The RTI cell should debug the Kendriya, Rajya and Zilla Sainik Boards which are in hibernation and ensure Ex Servicemen friendly and honourable service is rendered to all. There is no feedback system or audit of services in the Sainik Boards. Should they not be made accountable?
The Pension Grievance Cell should ensure all arrears to ESM/ widows are paid without delay. They should be made to interact with banks and resolve the pension related issues which is affecting a great majority of PBORS and their families.
Long term measures
The Ministry of Defence needs to publish a Green Paper, “The Nation’s Commitment to the Armed Forces Community: Consistent and Enduring Support”, which will look at how to prevent Service personnel and their families being disadvantaged due to their unique circumstances in accessing public services such as assured government/ civil employment of PBORs and Short Service Commissioned Officers, land ownership, legal assistance, litigation, housing, education and healthcare. It will also look to provide them with tailored routes through which to address complaints which should be permanently upheld across all levels of central and state Governments.

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Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

Nature Quote of the Day
All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe