Officers are requested to exercise an option for revision of pay fixation as per VI CPC within three months from the date of notification i.e. 30 Aug 08 and also furnish an undertaking in writing in the prescribed format (as given below) to adjust any discrepancies noticed at a later date. For details, click on the link given below the undertaking
Annex III: Undertaking
I hereby undertake that any excess payment that may be found to have been made as a result of incorrect fixation of pay or any excess payment detected in the light of discrepancies noticed subsequently will be refunded by me to the Government either by adjustment against future payments due to me or otherwise.
Name :.....................................
My Dear Veterans,
Over payments made by authorities, inadvertently, either by Govt or even in Private Sector, are recoverable. In some particular case, it might have been proved that there was in fact no over payment but only the legitimate dues were paid, and a favourable judgement would have been obtained. It does not condone the genuine cases of over payments. Such a blanket ruling, if at all given, would lead to unbridled corruption of the system. Such under takings are regularly taken from the employees when opting for migration to a revised system of Pay & Allowances.
With Regards,
Veteran Raman
Comment: What is obvious is that the SCPC Pay/ Pension tables are skewed and flawed and the Government is still not sure of the Tables formulated by the Bureaucrats (in our case MOD in conjunction with Ministries of Finance and Home). Our expenditure secretary who is the self- appointed apex body has taken the Armed Forces for a ride under the umbrella of multitude- ridden riders in the Pay/ Pension tables. Interpretations are galore and ultimately the the clerk in the CDA will be the one to decode the tables. The "undertaking" just proves the point "Bureaucrats, Red Tape and Inefficiency" are the cardinal pivots of our governance!
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