The Congress led Government has appointed yet another so called high power committee to consider OROP. However, still it is a committee of bureaucrats!! No service rep has been included. We all know that the bureaucrats are so crafty and will come up with a percentage solution not a full fledged OROP. Their resolve to keep the Services down seems insatiable.
There is no statement from Mrs Sonia Gandhi or her son who lay down the policies and priorities. The Prime Minister has not spoken a word himself either; All three should have. The seriousness of the issue does not seem to have sunk in, even though a mention was made about the welfare of the veterans in the President's address.
The committee formed appears to be to counter the BJP, some sop for the agitation launched by the veterans and also in view of the fast approaching elections in Haryana, where the veterans have sizeable vote bank. The verdict by the Supreme Court in the case of Maj Gen's pension could also be a reason.
Perhaps the euphoria is misplaced. Let us not count the chickens before these are hatched!! The need to lobby with the highest and keep the pressure on is absolutely necessary.
Lt Gen Harbhajan Singh (Retd)
Date: Sunday, 7 June, 2009, 5:09 PM
Lets not claim credit ahead of each other and try to score brownie points. Fact is that the agitation of exservicemen, be they under any flag, has forced the government to declare that they will do justice to them. Its time we stopped bickering amongst ourselves and let our adversaries take advantage of us. I agree with RKRN that we should address the Cabinet Secy and the PM to ensure that the ESM point of view is made known to them. I would request all the heads of all the ESM organisations to meet and chalk out a plan of action and prepare a paper on the compelling reasons for OROP. Lets forget our differences and unite to solve this problem.
Lt Gen SK Bahri (Retd)
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