Dear Friends,
In a few days, I will turn 68. Admiral Tahiliani, whose word I value, tells me that this is no age. But it is just two short of the "three scores and ten" prescribed by the holy Bible for us human beings. I also find that nearly one-third of my course mates are gone. In the last few months two of my contemporaries dropped like the ripe mangoes on the tree in the backyard of our house, without any notice at all. Even this would have made no difference to me, but an event occurred last week. It shook me.
I had gone to the dentist for some fillings. The waiting room was full, with no vacant seat. As I entered, I noticed a lady who resembled the mother of an officer who was my adjutant thirty years ago. While I was trying to place her, she got up and said, "Uncle, how are you?" And that was a body blow to my ego. Soon, some more people got up to make space for me. I got a chair to sit down, but my tooth ache turned into a heart ache. How I wish the Admiral was there to see my plight!
On my way back, I picked up a few books on "how to make your own Will" and within the next three days, I had learnt all that there is to know on this business of 'passing the baton'.
I then jotted down the points in the form of a paper which is attached for the benefit of those who may like to browse through it. It has been seen by three lawyers, including Maj Navdeep, and I have it on their authority that the paper has no technical errors. I plan to include it in a forthcoming book, and should you have any additional questions, do let me know.
With best wishes,
Maj Gen Surjit Singh (Retd)
Guide for making a Will
Three indigenous warships join the navy’s fleet
2 hours ago
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