In his exclusive interaction with the Asia Defence News Editor-in-Chief P N Khera, the AG, Lt Gen Mukesh Sabharwal, who looks every bit a tough combat commander, spoke from a golden heart about the memorable mission he was destined to perform.
Transcripts of Interview: ONE-RANK ONE-PENSIONPNK: There are great expectations about the soldier’s dream of one-rank one-pension coming true one day. What would be its impact on the morale of the soldiers when its is approved by the Government?
AG: The demand for grant of one-rank one-pension has been raised by the ex-Servicemen fraternity since the last few decades. Our main concern has been our JCOs and OR.
About 80 to 90 per cent aspirations of JCOs and OR have been met to bring in uniformity in pension of people who retired earlier and who are retiring now. However, issue related to the officers is complex. It can simply be gauged from the fact that 30 years back pension was based on the pay drawn at that time. Now after 30 years pay bands of officers have changed drastically which has raised the complex issue of how do you equalize the two cases. Hence the case is being deliberated upon and it is hoped that government is going to take a pragmatic view on it. Ameliorating this demand is a constant endeavour of both Ministry of Defence and the Service Headquarters.
Asia Defence News- Interview with Adjutant GeneralClick here to read the full Interview- Resettlement, Rehabilitation, Welfare, Empowerment Projects and StrategyOROP for JCO's and Other Ranks: The Ground RealityDear Colleagues,
This evening I was interacting with a senior serving officer during a social do. He mentioned that for
JCOs and Other Ranks the OROP is ‘almost’ granted. The conviction with which he spoke left no doubt that he fully believed in what he had stated. When the Government representative makes such a statement on TV, we can assume he has a stake and motivation in saying so, but the serving personnel thinking on these lines is only out of ignorance, which is most unfortunate.
Take an example of the lowest rank of a Sepoy of Group ‘Y’ who retires after 17 Years of service. The figure for pre-2006 pension (after the enhancement of 08.03.2010 has been factored in) is Rs 4971.00 while for his counterpart who retired on 31.01.2006 the figure is Rs 6850.00 which is 38% higher. This is just the basic pension without taking the ever increasing DA into account.
It will be good that we pass this around and inform maximum number of ESM and our uniformed brethren.
Best regards,
Lt Gen (Emeritus) Raj Kadyan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM
Chairman IESM
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