The Haryana Police Crime Branch on Wednesday raided the residence of Lieutenant General (retd) P N Hoon, in search of Hoon’s daughter Deeksha Puri - an accused in the multicrore Citibank scam. Deeksha Puri’s son Shivraj Puri, a former banker with the Citibank, is the prime accused in the scam, which rocked the financial market last year. General Hoon is a former General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Command.
A team of Crime Branch reached General Hoon’s residence in Sector 6, Panchkula, where Deeksha Puri had been staying for the past many weeks now. “We searched the residence of General Hoon, but did not find her there. Further raids are yet on”, said one of the investigating officials of the case.
According to the senior Haryana police officials, Deeksha Puri’s bail was rejected by the Punjab and Haryana High Court on Monday, after which she told the police that she would be surrendering in the Gurgaon court on Wednesday. Deeksha Puri was one of the Directors of Normans Martin Brokers, a company run by the Puri family, which is also under Crime Branch’s scanner in the Citibank scam.
Haryana police raids Lt Gen Hoon’s home: Citibank scam
Citibank scam: Deeksha Puri’s bail rejected
Sanjay Yadav, TNN Nov 12, 2011, 04.01AM IST
GURGAON: A city court dismissed the anticipatory bail application of Deeksha Puri, one of the co-accused in Citibank scam, on Friday. She had applied for bail for the second time. After hearing Puri's application, additional sessions judge Naresh Kumar rejected the application. According to sources, Shiv Raj Puri, the prime accused in the Rs 400 crore Citibank fraud, and his mother, Deeksha Puri, made a series of gold purchases worth several crores from different places before learning that they had run out of luck.
Bail Refused
Comment: Lt Gen Hoon needs to set his own house in order. His comments on probity sounds hollow. He needs to practise what he preaches as a Veteran. Shameful!
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