Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Anomaly in pension of Majors and Equivalents

While in service, a Major and a Time Scale Lt Col perform the same/ similar job. The latter, after certain length of service, used to be just given a 'honourific rank' only, before his retirement. Also, there was very little difference in their basic pay. However as per the sixth Pay Commission Award, the difference in pension between these two ranks is Rs 11,600/- (Rupees Eleven thousand and six hundred only), to the disadvantage of the majors which and violates the law of ‘Natural Justice’, viz, ‘same compensation for same job’ (work done).
Majors and equivalent ranks in the Navy and the Air Force, form the ‘cutting edge’ in their respective services and are a vital link in the chain of command. They directly train and administer their troops in peace and lead them from the front in war. Their lowered pension is NOT commensurate with their great contribution, both in peace and in war.
With the new pension scale the status of majors has been lowered than that of those who are of lower in rank and might have been their subordinates but are retiring now.
In view of the foregoing, it is suggested that the existing vast gap of Rs 11,600/- (Rupees Eleven thousand Six hundred only) in the pensions of the majors and the Lt Cols be reduced to the levels of awards by the previous Pay Commissions. The difference between their pensions must not exceed more than 10% and a major must get a minimum basic pension of Rs 22500/- (Rupees Twenty Two thousand and five hundred only).
Sqn Ldr SP Bains (Retd)
Major SS Dhillon (Retd)

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Today's Quote
Silence is the mother of truth.
Benjamin Disraeli

Nature Quote of the Day
The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans.
Jim Fowler