Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mumbai to get its first China made Metro in April

Mumbai gets its first China made Metro in April
Mumbai: Mumbaikars would soon get a glimpse of the city's first Metro train, due to arrive from China in mid April.

China to supply trains for Mumbai Metro 2010-03-23 22:00:00
A Chinese firm will send 18 high-capacity Metro trains for the new subway rail project in Mumbai as part of a $110 million deal, the company said here Tuesday.

The trains were China's first-ever export of A-type subway trains, which were wider than 3 metres and had greater passenger capacity than other models, said Qian Houkuan, director of information and technology at CSR Nanjing Puzhen Rolling Stock Works, the manufacturer.

The trains rolled off the production line March 20 and would take a month to ship from Shanghai before undergoing trial runs in Mumbai, which is scheduled in May, Xinhua quoted Qian as saying.

The trains, with automatic driving systems and the capacity to reach maximum speed of 80 km per hour, could operate at temperatures up to 55 degrees Celsius and in 100 percent humidity.

Each of the 3.2-metre compartments could carry 390 people, 72 more than the 3-metre A-type trains used in China, Qian said.
Mumbai to get its first China made Metro in April

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Today's Quote
Silence is the mother of truth.
Benjamin Disraeli

Nature Quote of the Day
The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans.
Jim Fowler