by Lt Gen Harwant Singh (Retd)
Expression of Gratitude
The Military Veterans salute Veteran Lt Gen Harwant Singh, an intrepid crusader for Justice for the Soldier, for his incisive writing and hard hitting articles. Hope some sense prevails in the right quarters and the Govt. takes note of the Gerneral’s sane advise; and, if not the Govt, hope the three service Chiefs take note of this article and have the gumption to take up with the Govt. that it is indeed high time that justice is done both to the Soldiers and Veterans. Three Cheers to Gen Harwant Singh.
The Military Veterans also thank Veteran Cdr KK Punchi, a pillar of strength to Military Veterans and the Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement, for posting articles of interest & importance to the Military Veterans.
Col SS Rajan (Retd)
Tribune Pride of the Province?
Thank you Tribune for publishing, on 27 March 2010, a very touching article on Central Pay Commission omissions and commissions in regard to Defence Services- well written by my erstwhile neighbour 20 yrs back- Lt General Harwant Singh. A reader will not know the very disciplined General Harwant Singh. I am touched by the fact that such a disciplined soldier had to open up with facts and figures- tragedy that encompasses the life of a soldier- taken very lightly by the countrymen.
My humble suggestion is that Tribune should get back to what it was 100 years back- a pride of the province- and- do a complete study in public on " WHY DEFENCE PERSONNEL ARE BEING TREATED THIS WAY by leaders of the Public?"
The aim is to make the public aware of what is simmering under the carpet for last 40 years at least in the Defence set up.
The public needs to know why the gaps are being grown bigger and bigger between those in uniform meant for Defence of the Country and the Babus who guide the ignorant politicians and rule internally.
Maybe you are able to start with discussion on each word General Harwant Singh has carefully chosen and written and tragedy for the nation the bitter truth.
A mere publishing of an article in newspaper does not make the newspaper great.
Please remember Lala Lajpat Rai ji and Tribune's contribution in grooming the countrymen towards attaining freedom.
Please help clean up the soldiers' domain first so that first impact of enemy is at least taken care of. A very intensive debate in public by you will help the nation and the generations to come. Otherwise- generations to come will not pardon us. Please do what is right BUT do not close your eyes!!!
Air Cmde Sushil Soni (Veteran)
Member IESM
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